Overseas landlords should value their new property values
All properties owned by overseas landlords will be subject to capital gains tax on any gains made after 6th of April 2015, when the properties
All properties owned by overseas landlords will be subject to capital gains tax on any gains made after 6th of April 2015, when the properties
The student accommodation market has seen a flurry of activity since 2004 with institutional investors being the most active. Wealth managers who are seeking high
A major change is coming on 6 April 2015 for non-UK residents who own UK residential property. The new tax will only tax any growth
The same way that the cold and damp weather can make our joints ache it has a similar effect on our properties. Cold and damp
Everyone has a bad builder story to tell, very few people recommend builders fearing something will go wrong or they don’t want to share the
A video about buying and investing in London Property. With a dynamical changing market, find out how can you best position yourself to leverage this